Most healthcare organizations regularly prioritize goals to improve the patient experience and increase clinician satisfaction, aligning with the Quintuple Aim. Atlanta-based Emory Healthcare created the role of chief transformation officer to focus on these areas, and in July 2023, Dr. Amaka Eneanya became the first to fill the role. She is especially engaged in improving the organization’s approach to health equity....
When a head-on collision between two semi-trailer trucks snarled traffic on Interstate 70 in Colorado during the summer of 2023, front-desk staff members at Vail Health Hospital knew exactly what they needed to do. Because the interstate is the only route for most patients to get to the hospital, Vail Health staff decided they had to let people know that...
Healthcare organizations are relying on the cloud to push patient care forward, optimize IT infrastructure, support real-time data exchange and deliver mobility for clinicians. As IT teams shift applications to the cloud, they also need to be well informed about cloud security and compliance requirements. Here are five questions about common cloud security myths to better guide healthcare IT...
Many healthcare organizations that operate in the cloud have different technology needs than they had when they made their initial investments. As organizations re-evaluate and optimize their cloud environments, they should consider the technologies they’re using now as well as the tools they plan to adopt and implement in the future. One such solution proliferating in tech portfolios is artificial...
The cloud can provide many benefits to healthcare organizations, including resiliency, scalability and flexibility. However, capitalizing on the promises of the cloud requires that IT and organizational leadership approach migration from a cloud-smart rather than cloud-first perspective. Taking a lift-and-shift approach to the cloud is likely to leave organizations unsatisfied with higher-than-expected costs. A smart cloud strategy involves optimizing the...