Anna Taylor remembers being one of the first people in line to buy the Apple Watch when it debuted in April 2015. She already had a Fitbit step-tracker as part of an employee-sponsored health program that linked step counts to insurance premium reductions. As a data informaticist, she was excited to see what Apple had to offer. “I hated it,”...
Computer scientists are familiar with Moore’s law, which refers to the observation that computer processing power doubles roughly every two years. To most people, that probably seems like an impressive rate of technological expansion. But ask Mihailo Kaplarevic for his thoughts on the subject and he tends to view it from a different perspective. “Moore’s law is rather slow-paced compared...
The healthcare industry is experiencing a concerning rise in staff burnout, a critical issue that affects both healthcare providers and patient care. However, the integration of data-driven automation solutions holds immense potential to address this challenge. Data-driven automation provides real-time insights and predictive analytics, enabling informed decision-making and proactive patient management. By leveraging the power of automation and data analysis,...
Documentation burden is a major source of burnout for clinicians. However, artificial intelligence tools such as natural language processing can transcribe appointment conversations using ambient listening and document the appointment in the electronic health record. Sensors and other types of automation can increase clinical efficiency and ease burnout. Keep this page bookmarked for our coverage of HIMSS23. Follow us on...
Healthcare organizations have a lot of identity-related needs. One midsize health system could have an average of 500 to 600 applications in use, and that number skyrockets for larger organizations. An identity opens an attack surface for threat actors to exploit. And with 82 percent of data breaches involving a human element, such as social engineering, according to Verizon’s 2022...
Of all the healthcare data available, medical imaging is among the richest. In terms of clinical indicators, imaging data contains a tremendous amount of valuable information that’s easily identifiable — and much that’s not visible to the human eye. Because most patients’ healthcare journeys begin with a diagnostic image of some sort, it’s no wonder that U.S. hospitals and health...
On April 12, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services extended the COVID-19 public health emergency for an additional 90 days, which also extended the use of telehealth waivers. However, it’s still unclear whether policy changes will be enacted to support telehealth’s long-term use before the emergency ends. However, many healthcare professionals are advocating for policy to avoid...
As the volume of patient data being generated worldwide has skyrocketed, the threat landscape has expanded along with it. Many healthcare organizations struggle to develop and maintain a security strategy that can compete with the continually evolving tactics of threat actors. The healthcare industry has had the highest average cost of a data breach for 12 consecutive years, according to...
A modern data platform, though powerful, is only as effective as the people who use it. To get the most out of their data and analytics efforts, healthcare organizations must adopt a strategic set of practices for implementation, utilization and improvement over time. An effective approach to the modern data platform incorporates four important steps: Click the banner below to learn...
The use of electronic health records, the growing importance of data analytics and the need to meet regulatory requirements all influence the data storage needs of healthcare organizations. In addition to the sheer volume of data that needs to be stored, healthcare organizations also require high availability and robust security standards that guarantee protection of highly sensitive protected health information...

