Although Vish Pasumarthy isn’t a doctor, he’s familiar with how patient engagement can improve the care experience. As the CTO of Cleveland-based University Hospitals Cutler Center for Men, Pasumarthy recently led the organization’s deployment of a customized app that he says “brings digital communication to the forefront of everything we do.” The tool was developed using Power Apps, a suite...
Healthcare has always kept a close eye on the use of artificial intelligence, but this year has seen a marked increase in testing and partnerships that are pushing solutions forward. In June, for instance, UNC Health announced it was piloting an internal chatbot in partnership with Microsoft to support clinicians with administrative tasks. The health system is also part of...
At hundreds of hospitals across the U.S., patients now have a choice: heal onsite or at home. “When we offer our home hospital option to patients admitted in our hospital who meet safety criteria, about 70 percent of people say yes and 30 percent say no,” says Dr. Constantinos Michaelidis, medical director of UMass Memorial Health’s hospital-at-home program. At-home acute care...
Healthcare staff shortages continue to be a major concern for the industry, and the American Medical Association released a five-step plan last month to mitigate the issue. Step two of the AMA’s recommendations calls on healthcare organizations to reduce administrative burdens, an area that many are focusing on in their efforts to improve clinical efficiencies and employee satisfaction. At the...
Staffing shortages remain top of mind for leaders of senior care organizations across the country as the demand for care is expected to increase. Workforce challenges in senior care were prevalent even before the COVID-19 pandemic, but they have since been exacerbated. In September, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services announced a proposed rule to change nurse staffing requirements...
Conversations about artificial intelligence and other automated solutions continue to take center stage in the healthcare industry, especially amid staffing concerns and financial strain. Generative AI in particular has captured the interest of many healthcare executives, and relevant vendors have been integrating such solutions into their products. For instance, ambulatory cloud-based electronic health records system eClinicalWorks announced earlier this year...
Artificial Intelligence plays a pivotal role in fostering collaborative efforts and boosting operational efficiency within the healthcare ecosystem, helping streamline complex processes and aiding in clinical decision-making. Among the chief applications for this technology are AI-driven diagnostic support systems, which assist healthcare professionals in interpreting medical images and lab results with greater speed and accuracy. Through the analysis of vast data...
Although many healthcare organizations were slow to make the move, migrating to the cloud brings the benefits of agility, resiliency and performance to healthcare organizations. However, the cloud also comes with several challenges, including how to manage security and governance. A hybrid cloud mixes on-premises infrastructure, private cloud services and a public cloud such as Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud...
Healthcare organizations spend millions on IT expenses each year, but technology cannot solve workflow problems or create efficiencies without thoughtful implementation. With health systems facing economic headwinds, it’s important that health IT leaders optimize their existing technology investments in addition to making smart investments in new solutions. Doing so requires collaboration among internal teams as well as strong partnerships. Health...
Internet of Medical Things devices can make care more mobile and automated, increasing accessibility while saving clinicians time and giving more information to healthcare organizations. However, the proliferation of these devices has led to a challenge for health IT leaders: ensuring that IoMT devices are secure. To compound the challenge, people often plug in devices without checking with the IT...

