Healthcare settings possess unique challenges related to safe and efficient patient care, including ease of workflow and clinical communication. Driven by patient and staff satisfaction rates and tight budgets, administrators must adopt tools that not only are cost-effective but also help to streamline workflow to keep operations running smoothly.   Hectic healthcare environments require budget-friendly tools and devices with extensive...
Platform engineering has been called the next evolution in DevOps and has the potential to move healthcare innovations forward in a groundbreaking way. Cutting-edge solutions benefiting both providers and patients can be deployed faster and on a much larger scale because new systems and software can be built upon the existing, automated infrastructure that cloud-based platforms provide.  Organizations are recognizing...
The digital transformation healthcare providers are undergoing requires them to keep sensitive data, like protected health information, secure across an expanding surface of touchpoints and cloud-connected networks. The high rate of publicly exposed data environments, which are often misconfigured and vulnerable, give attackers an opportunity to establish a foothold into the organization’s network. This can lead to data breaches, unauthorized access...
Before Fort Myers, Fla.-based Cypress Living stood up its own primary care practice on campus, the senior care organization relied on an outside provider on a contract basis. “Services were essentially sporadic,” says Louisa Cannamela, vice president of clinical services at Cypress Living. “Our residents were vocal about wanting consistency, so we listened to them.” Now, using recently renovated medical care...
In a pilot physical therapy program run by the Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Asheville, N.C., veterans work to save a medieval village from a fire-breathing dragon. “While they’re tracking the dragon, they have to keep it in their line of sight,” says Caitlin Rawlins, deputy director of clinical tech innovation in the VA’s Office of Healthcare Innovation and Learning. “Clinicians...
As healthcare organizations continue along their digital transformation journeys, they may be working toward more integrated hybrid care, offering seamless transitions between digital touchpoints and in-person visits. The growth of virtual care in recent years has also shown promise at meeting patients’ expectations for more personalized and accessible care. And providers are recognizing the need for digital accessibility in healthcare:...
DevOps created an entirely new paradigm for application development. By integrating the work of software developers and IT operations professionals, DevOps processes greatly improved the speed and quality of software development. But DevOps is not without its challenges. As healthcare organizations have deployed this approach, they have run into some common obstacles that have slowed down development and frustrated developers....
As healthcare organizations continue to ramp up their reliance on the cloud — primarily to store and move large amounts of data and strengthen the foundation for artificial intelligence-powered solutions — they’ll need to optimize their connectivity. Though cloud integrations require health systems to change, leaders should embrace transformation, not fear it. “Fundamentally, it changes the way we architect from...
As more artificial intelligence-powered tools and processes mature in healthcare, organizations are trying to figure out what aligns with their strategic goals. They may be hearing many conversations among their peers or vendors, and they may feel as if they need to make quick decisions — otherwise, they’ll be left behind. They may be hearing claims that seem too good...
As malicious actors from organized enterprises to state-sponsored groups continue to target healthcare, cybersecurity remains top of mind. The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency’s theme for October’s Cybersecurity Awareness Month is “Secure Our World,” urging the public to stay safe on connected devices by using strong passwords, turning on multifactor authentication, updating software, and recognizing and reporting phishing attempts. These tips...

