The use of electronic health records, the growing importance of data analytics and the need to meet regulatory requirements all influence the data storage needs of healthcare organizations. In addition to the sheer volume of data that needs to be stored, healthcare organizations also require high availability and robust security standards that guarantee protection of highly sensitive protected health information...
Thanks to the widespread adoption of telemedicine and remote patient monitoring, healthcare delivery is no longer confined to hospitals and doctor’s offices. This expansion beyond the four walls of traditional healthcare organizations is transforming care delivery and redefining healthcare workspaces. While the pandemic is often cited as a reason for the rapid adoption of virtual care, it also increased the...
To support an increasingly mobile workforce both within the hospital setting and outside its four walls, leading healthcare organizations are pursuing a strategy of modern workplace management. In adopting this approach, organizations aim to make it as easy as possible for employees and IT staff to get devices up and running, log in to frequently used applications and keep...
Mobile device management is an important strategy that protects an organization’s devices and keeps data flowing securely. In healthcare, it provides flexibility for physicians to work remotely and conduct house calls, but it also requires controls to protect patient data. Adam Mahmud, senior product marketing manager for healthcare at device management company Jamf, says mobile device management tools are central...
Mobile devices and communication platforms are ubiquitous in today’s healthcare environment. Federal data shows nearly all acute-care hospitals and a majority of office-based physicians use electronic health record systems, and more than 80 percent of physicians use smartphones in their clinical practice. The modern healthcare workspace uses these technologies in a variety of ways. Clinicians have instant access to patient...
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A single doctor’s visit can involve multiple departments for a patient, including the call center, marketing, primary care office, labs and billing. How can healthcare organizations track these moving parts to keep the patient journey in focus? During a CHIME22 session last year, Geisinger Health described its customer relationship management journey and how it has been critical for providing 360-degree...
Healthcare organizations are looking to find efficiencies and transform operations with an eye toward the future amid staffing and financial constraints, changing patient expectations and emerging technologies. Over the next two years, healthcare leaders plan to make key investments in 5G networks and connectivity solutions, cloud-based technology and real-time location services, according to a 2023 survey. The increased reliance on...
The increasing frequency of ransomware threats and attacks have spurred healthcare organizations to focus on cybersecurity defenses. However, physical security at hospitals and clinics is still a major concern and can be just as challenging. Most healthcare facilities, especially large ones, employ security guards, but they can’t be everywhere at once. Surveillance cameras may offer more visibility, but older models...
The introduction of ChatGPT directed the world’s attention to the power of generative artificial intelligence and its applications across industries. Though the potential of AI applied to drug discovery workflows has been known for years, the emphasis and excitement around large, generative models will significantly accelerate the adoption and validation of these tools for biological discovery.  The early results demonstrate...

