New patients scheduling a physician appointment in more than a dozen major U.S. cities saw their wait times increase last year, according to an updated survey.  It now takes an average of 26 days to schedule a new patient physician appointment in these major metropolitan areas, an increase from just over 24 days in 2017, which was the last year...
As technology and medical processes advanced in the 1990s, modern telemedicine entered a new era, and with that, the American Telemedicine Association emerged as a leading voice championing widespread telehealth adoption. The organization marked its 30th anniversary at the ATA2023 Annual Conference and Expo from March 4-6 in San Antonio. This year’s theme — “From Now What? to How To!...


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Spring 2023

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The healthcare industry faces many data protection challenges, such as encrypting payment card data and meeting security requirements around personal health information (PHI) and personally identifiable information (PII) coming from Internet of Medical Things devices. Another challenge involves protecting digital endpoints while also offering ease of access for users that require it, either on-premises or remotely, says Peter Newton, senior...
The cybersecurity threat environment changes constantly, and the healthcare industry is one of the highest-value targets for malicious actors. According to the 2023 Breach Barometer report from Protenus, 59.7 million patient records were breached in 2022, up from 50.4 million in 2021. Cyberattacks can affect patient trust and — in the worst cases — impact patient care. However, adaptive cybersecurity...
As healthcare organizations face threats to the security of personally identifiable information in applications such as electronic health records, they need a zero-trust approach to keep their systems safe. A zero-trust strategy incorporates strict identify verification and device posture checking each time users access an application and for every application session, says Peter Newton, senior director of products and solutions...
With connected medical devices and patient data spread across the healthcare ecosystem, security in healthcare can be a challenge. As many as 40 to 70 applications connect to electronic health records, says Mike Gregory, CDW Healthcare strategist. The healthcare industry has an obligation to protect patient data from cyberattacks. Protecting health IT environments is critical for maintaining clinical and operational efficiency,...
Cyber insurance for healthcare organizations has become increasingly important. As the industry undergoes digitalization and organizations’ attack surfaces expand, there is a growing need to adequately protect data from malicious actors. Healthcare has seen a significant uptick in cyberattacks, and the sector continues to experience the highest average cost for data breaches, according to IBM’s annual Cost of a Data...

