Though women make up 66 percent of entry-level healthcare staff, the percentage shrinks when the focus turns to more senior roles, where women make up only 30 percent of C-suite positions, according to McKinsey research. Tanya Townsend, senior vice president and CIO of New Orleans-based LCMC Health, can certainly remember when she was the only woman at an industry event...

CHIME22 Fall Forum

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Hospitals and other medical facilities generally don’t have unlimited IT resources to fully protect their ever-growing cloud environments. Their internal security teams must usually focus on existing threats and don’t have enough time or personnel to devote to potential attacks, vulnerabilities and overall security monitoring. Attackers know this, which is why ransomware and other cyberthreats are on the rise...
The healthcare industry has one of the most active merger and acquisition environments, and while healthcare merger and acquisition activity is down in Q3 2022, it’s improved from the same time last year. According to a survey from KPMG, 70 percent of respondents in healthcare and life sciences said they expected to increase their M&A activity in 2022, with...
Data is a key component of healthcare, and organizations are flush with it. Even seemingly simple medical devices can generate a lot of important information about a patient. Data management issues are even more intricate today with some employees working remotely and the use of virtual care services, which can complicate management and open new attack vectors. But it’s far...
Bad actors continue to target healthcare organizations with cyberattacks as the amount of valuable patient data collected continues to grow. However, other factors are making it difficult for healthcare organizations to protect patient data. These include IT and security staff shortages, the increased sophistication of attacks, the impacts of the pandemic, and regulatory pressures. For example, the Health Information Technology...
Staff shortages and increased adoption of smart technologies by older adults are driving senior and post-acute care organizations’ implementation of emerging technologies such as voice-interactive solutions, robots and artificial intelligence. With the successful deployment of these solutions, organizations have the potential to mitigate the effects of staff shortages, make workflows more efficient, enhance resident experiences and improve patient outcomes. At...
Healthcare data breaches are down 6 percent year over year in the first half of 2022, according to Critical Insight’s 2022 “Healthcare Breach Report.” However, while total breaches are down, numbers remain above pre-pandemic levels, and attackers seem to be shifting their focus from large healthcare facilities to smaller ones. The report notes that attacks on physician groups increased...
About 44 percent of healthcare organizations that experienced a ransomware attack last year took up to a week to recover, according to a 2022 Sophos report. That kind of downtime is especially worrisome for patient care, so organizations are shoring up their defenses with much-needed alliances. The threat of a ransomware attack was the most urgent reason the University of...

